3 Habits to Help You Stay Consistent With YouTube Content

Not seeing results on YouTube? It may not be your content…it may be because you aren’t consistent with your YouTube Content. It’s cliche, but it’s true…consistency is key. 

It’s kind of like working out. It’s all about finding your sweet spot so you can stay at it, over and over. Because if you go too hard too fast, you’ll burn out. But if you only dabble in it here and there, it’s not enough to see results. 

You have to make consistent progress.

And that’s exactly why I’m such a big fan of posting 1x per week as a general rule. Seriously, that’s it!

Not sure how it can be so? Let's take a look at a few habits you can create to help you stay consistent on YouTube (which hint: Means more traffic to your offers, more eyes on them, and more potential sales!) 

Habit #1: Brainstorm your ideas before you create a content plan

I know it’s easy to knock out both your ideas and content calendar at once, but I’d recommend brainstorming your ideas FIRST. This helps you notice a pattern of topics you can group together to give your content plan some consistency. 

I like to call that consistency the firework approach, and it just means that you have ONE main video idea with a CTA, then the rest of the topics stem from that topic (kind of like subtopics…with a CTA to watch the main video). It helps draw people into the next video, then the next, then so on and so forth. 

It helps your content get noticed and shared to more people because it makes it bingeable. There’s nothing the YouTube algo loves more than bingeable content!

Habit #2: Batch all of your videos together

Do you think I record each video, one at a time? Absolutely not! I batch my days to where I can block off an entire afternoon (sometimes a day) every so often to get them all recorded at once

It saves me so much time because I’m not constantly switching from record mode, to editing mode, to admin mode. It helps me stay in the zone and knock it all out faster. I just keep my recording gear in an easy-to-access place in my office, and switch outfits for each video. 

It also means I only have to do my hair and makeup one time, not every single day (you’re welcome 😉).

Habit #3: Keep your digital files organized

I know we all know that having a mountain of paperwork is a no-go. But it’s 2023 and guess what? That info has to go somewhere. The only difference is that now, it’s digital. 

And when you don’t keep your digital files organized, your desk may be aesthetic, but your computer says otherwise. You might as well have a mountain of paperwork sitting at your desk too — because it’s going to be tough to find exactly what you need when it’s not organized. 

And this doesn’t have to be complicated people! The only things I really use are Asana and Google Drive. I organize my files and ideas in there, and then just need to remember to check it. It’s faster, and much easier, to stay organized that way.

Plus, you avoid the risk of losing sticky notes (making that mistake once was enough! Learn from me and just go digital!).

Want to stretch your YouTube strategy so it’s more impactful?

If you want to make sure the videos you’re creating are putting in the work for you, then you need to stop looking at YouTube like a YouTuber. You need to start thinking about it as a business owner!

If you want to see how to work YouTube into your business strategy, drive leads, and help you convert those leads, then check out my video below! I’m showing you how to make YouTube work as a small business owner.


7 Sales Funnel Mistakes to Avoid if You Want to Drive New Leads


How to Start Your YouTube Channel in 2023: The Step-by-Step Strategy You Need to Get it Done!