5 Things I Plan To Do Differently In 2023

Money lost. Opportunities missed. Getting sloppy. 

All these things happened to me in 2022, and I’m not proud to admit it. Even though I’m cringing a bit, I think it’s important to look at the challenges you’ve faced to see how you can continue to grow. 

That’s what I’m doing today: Talk about what I plan to do differently in 2023.

If this can help just one of you, at least my loss was worth it!

Quit the rinse and repeat cycle

Over the last seven years in business, I’ve been in a constant cycle of create, launch, create, launch, etc. And while it’s made my business grow significantly, I’m itching for a change. One that helps foster a continued state of growth (rather than a plateau). 

At a mastermind event I was at in November, my coach talked about the cycles we need to have in our businesses — spring, summer, fall, and winter. They don’t have to tie into the actual calendar cycles but are really more like a representation of the types of cycles we experience in business. It’s basically:

  • Spring is for the growth of new ideas

  • Summer is to live in them and watch them flourish

  • Fall is when that idea takes a downturn or plateaus, and you’re ready to shift

  • Winter is living in the challenges that come with that change or growth

My problem is always with winter. I feel like I’m chasing my tail too many times, and it’s caused me to get complacent. As much as I don’t want to admit it, I get sloppy when I’m trying to avoid winter! 

I 100% believe that done is better than perfect, but there also comes a point where it gets tiring, and you want something to stick. 

What I’m focusing on instead

This year, I want to let “winter” happen. I don’t always have to be striving to create something new! In 2023, I plan to keep my focus to a minimum by keeping it on:

  • Bettering my programs

  • Working on engaging more with my clients and members of my programs

  • Getting real-life, one-on-one feedback

  • Using the same launches and tweak based on metrics from previous launches because I want to STOP building from scratch ALL THE FREAKING TIME. It’s so exhausting. 


Who else always thought self-care was getting a massage, going to get your nails done, or just straight up having no idea what “me time” really was? That was me until 2022. 

The whole spa day thing is not me (and it’s totally fine if it’s not you either), so for the longest time, I felt like I struggled with trying to find some self-care habits that worked for me. For me, I now know it’s traveling. 

Since travel opened back up in 2022, I got to do just that and realized I was so full after the fact. I may not have always gone on the most “relaxing” trips, but they were always fun and provided a break from the monotony of my everyday, business-as-usual routine

But I don’t travel all the time, I also really enjoy watching trashy TV in bed. Lately, it’s been Loverboy, but I usually take to the Real Housewives marathons (don’t look at me like that, you know you enjoy those shows too).

The point is…you have to do what feels like recharging for YOU! Who cares what anyone else thinks about it?

Make more connections

You might not realize this from watching me here on YouTube, but I’m a very shy, introverted person.

Talk on a stage to the masses? Can totally do that. Enter a room of 30 people and figure out where I belong? Nope, I’ll just hide in the corner.

I’ve also been MAJORLY disappointed by people in my past. People I thought were good people. I invested my time and thought I was building relationships with, only to be BURNT, big time. And because of that, I kind of had a wall up and wasn’t really interested in making new connections. 

BUT I recently had a HUGE shift at my mastermind in November. I was forced to get out of my shell and embrace my introverted nature, and boy was it totally worth it! 

To have the support and connection from people who understand you, understand what you are going through, ummmm yes I’ll gladly feel uncomfortable for a bit for that.

So in 2023, I’m making a plan for every single week to get out of my comfort zone to reach out to someone new.

Slow the heck down

Like I said, the last seven years have been on a rinse-and-repeat cycle because I’ve been chasing money. I don’t think that’s all bad, you need money to live, but if that’s your only goal, what’s the point? It gets old after a while. 

And it’s honestly taken a major toll on my physical and mental health. So this year, I want to slow down on launching and product development, and just focus on what’s already there in front of me (our existing programs and memberships). 

Personal reasons for slowing down

I need to take extra time as I slow down to work on myself.

But I also want to start pouring into some charities more. I’m still deciding which to get involved with, but this is something I’m doing with my kids and husband as a family, and I’m looking forward to changing the way I think about my business as a bigger picture. 

Simplify everything

I started the process of simplifying pretty much everything in my life last April, and I’m going to keep on truckin’ with that. I’ve worked on simplifying the tech side of things by replacing three of my software tools with FG Funnels.

And my customer journey is so much clearer, so anyone who finds me knows exactly what I have to offer and the different ways they can work with me.

I’ve also decided to stick with my current coaching and not chase any more advice, learning, strategies, etc. My coach has MORE than enough content to dig into and offers plenty of avenues to get feedback on my business or strategies in the future. 

We’re leaving shiny objects in 2022!

Speaking of shiny objects…

Less is more when it comes to business. You don't need to do it all and then some if you want to have a successful business. You have to stay grounded and do what’s right for you. Because honestly, you don’t have time (or brain power) to do it all. 

If shiny object syndrome has been getting the best of you, I want you to take a look at my video below! I’m breaking down why you don’t need another course or mastermind — in hopes that it will help you see how you can keep things simple too!


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