5 Ways to Create Better YouTube Content as an Online Business Owner

YouTube has over 2 billion logged-in users each month. Just THINK about how many of those could be your potential audience. People just waiting to hear the answers you have to their problems. Amazing, right? 

So hear me loud and clear…YouTube is a platform you can't afford to ignore OR be doing wrong! Because when you do YouTube right for your business, you can reach out to potential customers, showcase your products or services, and build a community around your brand. 

And the best part? It's free to use! 

Even more amazing, huh?

So what’s needed to do this YouTube thing the right way? That’s what we’re talking about here. I’m going to walk you through a few tried and true tips so every single video drives traffic (and sales!) to your business! Let’s get you on the path to creating better YouTube content my friend. 

#1: Create content for YouTube, not other platforms 

I know how this sounds…well, duh right? But hear me out. When it comes to repurposing your content, make sure you’re repurposing it the right way. You definitely don’t want to just slap a live stream or podcast audio on a “video” and call it a day. 

Why? Wouldn’t this make repurposing content easier? 

It’s because that’s not how people are consuming content on YouTube. They want videos they can engage in. 

And you have to repurpose your content in a way that works with the platform. Because if people aren’t watching your content then the algo won’t show it to them.

#2: Give your thumbnails some extra TLC

Yes, the content inside of your videos is important. But so are the thumbnails and titles of your videos. 

That’s your marketing material, how you get people to click on your videos. And I always decide this before writing my scripts only because it helps the entire video stay on track and align with the thumbnail. 

Delivering on the promises you made in your titles and thumbnails is key for keeping your audience engaged, too!

Then, you need to immediately open your video with a strong hook that ties in with the title and thumbnail. You’ve got to keep them engaged and hanging around for more info. 

I mean, you’ve only got three seconds before someone decides if they want to keep watching. If you don’t have a strong hook, it’ll be hard to keep them engaged. 

#3: Get strategic with your content 

If you want to absolutely crush this whole YouTube thing, then you need to be thinking about your content more strategically than just pulling random ideas from your “idea board.” I’m sure there are some good ones on there, but being intentional is SO MUCH better!

This means creating a series of videos that your viewer will want to watch MULTIPLE videos instead of posting random videos each week. I like to call this the Firework Approach!

Think about it like a series of five to six videos. Each one flows into the other rather than standing alone. 

And because they all tie together, if someone watches one and knows that your content is exactly what they need, they’re much more likely to watch the others. And that goes for your current audience and people who are brand new to your channel. 

#4: Cultivate a community

YouTube isn’t really a place where you can just post and ghost. In order to find that success you’re looking for with your channel, you need to also build up a community!

And while Youtube does work a little bit differently than other social media platforms, there are a few ways you can do that. But the biggest one comes down to communication. 

Ask questions in your videos to spark conversations in the comments. Post your own questions in the comments for others to respond to. It’s all about getting the conversation going!

#5: Don’t forget those CTAs

When it comes to using YouTube for your online business, you need to have a good balance between keeping people on your channel AND driving traffic to your website. Of course, YouTube isn’t exactly keen on people leaving their platform, but you can still include this!

You’ve got to do it strategically and stick to one or two CTAs. 

I know as business owners, we love a good call to action. But asking people to like and subscribe, then get your freebie, then follow you on Instagram, then sign up for your course waitlist, is just too much. It’s CTA overload!

Instead, give them a REASON to like or comment on your video, or head to your website. Just like any other social media platform, SHOWING not just TELLING, the value is so important!

Need more help with your YouTube strategy? 

If you want to take a deeper look at how to rock your YouTube strategy this year, then check out the YouTube playlist below!

Because before you can get started upping the ante, it’s important to understand the foundations of how this content machine works. Knowing this can help you create more valuable content for your audience that gets views and drives traffic!

So in this YouTube playlist, I’ll be breaking down exactly how to pick the best videos, how to plan those videos, and what steps you need to take to produce them. Basically, it’s everything you need to know on how to start a YouTube channel with success.

Watch it here. Enjoy!


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