The Beginner’s Guide to Batching YouTube Content (Steal my Step-by-Step Process!)

So…you know it’s time to start your YouTube channel (or pick it back up again). The only problem is, you know it’s going to be a TON of work, and you already feel pretty tapped out from creating content on other platforms. 

I get it—I’ve been on YouTube for 8+ years now, and honestly, sometimes it can be a lot of work. But the good news is that there’s such a thing as batch-creating content, and it will make your life SO MUCH easier. 

If content creation (YouTube specifically) is the bane of your existence, stick around for a second. I’m going to show you exactly how I batch my YouTube content, step-by-step, and how it helps me post a minimum of one video per week!

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But first…why batch create on YouTube?

If you’re here, then you already know I’m a huge fan of YouTube. But it’s for good reason! YouTube is the longest-living social media platform out there. I have a video from 2019 that’s still bringing me leads. 

And on top of that, the videos I create now bring me leads that are actually interested in buying from or working with me. All because this content is strategic and helpful for my audience, making it bingeable too.

Which makes the YouTube algorithm want to get even MORE people to watch it so they stay on the platform. It’s a win-win all around!

So now that you know the why, let’s get into the how

Batching step #1: Schedule time to batch your YouTube content

If you aren’t putting it on your calendar in advance and treating it like an actual appointment, you’re doing it wrong!

I mean, you’re totally free to do what you want of course, but, here’s the thing — you’re busy, and when you don’t set firm plans, especially when it comes to working ON your business, it can be really hard to stay consistent

Then, before you know it, you’re stuck in a vicious cycle of constantly trying to catch up.

Here’s how I schedule my batch days, with only one week per month, so I can stay on top of it: 

  • Monday: Plan out my videos for the month

  • Tuesday: Film all 4 videos for the month

  • Wednesday: Work on editing

  • Thursday: Upload and schedule those bad boys!

I keep each of these days on my calendar and it helps me stay focused on knocking it all out. 

Batching step #2: Create a content plan

YouTube videos need to follow a strategy — one that is what your audience wants to see, but also that can be turned into a series of videos. Remember that bingable content I mentioned earlier? That’s what I mean!

This type of “series” or bingable content makes YouTube happy AND warms your audience up to becoming a client

But the main idea here is to think about a series and how you can get people to watch the next video! If you can get a series of 4-5 videos going, then you’ve got content for an entire month right there!

PRO TIP: Use vidIQ to help you during the initial planning phase. Learn more about it here!

Batching step #3: Write your scripts

The best way to ensure that your videos stick to the main idea and feed into one another for bingable content is to write out scripts, which also includes title and thumbnail ideas (so you can get people to watch in the first place!). 

Then, you’ll have content that’s engaging, valuable, and stays on track. 

I like to spend about an hour scripting each video, which, yes, takes me a good amount of the day if I'm working ahead.

But that also means that because I take my time, I’m able to think about how each video can drive leads. Basically, it gives me enough time to get strategic with them. 

Batching step #4: Film your videos 

I’m going to be honest, most people overthink this step. But with enough planning, you can get 2-3 videos done in one sitting. 

Filming can be pretty exhausting, but doing it all in one day means I only have to get ready, put on makeup, and tidy up my space once. Knowing that the filming day is on my calendar, I know ahead of time that it’s going to be a full-focus day, which helps me knock them out faster, too. 

And for the record, you totally don’t need fancy gear to do this either! In fact, I use only a handful of things, which you can learn more about here!

Batching step #5: Edit your drafts

Once you’ve got the filming done, it’s time to edit and get them ready to publish!

I know editing can also feel tedious. But don’t overthink it! Don’t worry about getting that fancy, flashy editing. 

Do what you can, cut out the pauses and mistakes, and make peace with the fact that it won’t always be perfect. Trust me, you don’t want to add more pressure or work if you don’t need to! 

And when it comes to creating those thumbnails — same goes. Don’t overwork yourself. As a business owner, your time is limited and it’s okay to use templates to make it happen. 

PRO TIP: Save all your editing projects on an external hard drive so your computer doesn’t slow down!


Now, if you don’t have time or don’t want to edit your videos, you can definitely outsource this! I know that can be a scary step if you’ve never outsourced help before, but think about where your time is better spent — in the CEO role or editing videos?

If you can or want to edit those videos, go for it! But if not, DM me on Instagram or send me an email at, and I’ll send you some great recommendations!

Batching step #6: Optimize, bless, and RELEASE!

Final step: optimize and schedule your videos. And because all of the above does take some time, make sure you’re planning ahead of schedule to get it done before your video needs to go live. 

I say give it at the very least one day prior to publishing day. I WOULD NOT recommend same-day scheduling!

Now when it comes to optimizing your videos, what should you be doing? Basically, looking at your: 

  • Titles

  • Thumbnails

  • Description boxes

  • Tags

  • Cards

  • End screen

  • Recommended videos

  • Chapters

To make sure it all fits with your video and helps the YouTube algorithm with those oh-so-important search results!

Want to learn more pro tips for making the most of your YouTube channel?

Batch creating my YouTube content is one of my tried-and-true best practices for my channel (and it’s something I recommend to others, too!). 

But if you got to the end of this post and you’re like, “WAIT! I want more!” then that’s exactly what you can find inside of the Profit Per View Workshop!

In this 90-minute workshop, you’ll learn why A LOT of the YouTube advice out there is bologna, and what you can be doing instead! I’ve got a lot of tips and tricks packed into this workshop, but the best part? 

You will receive a replay when we're done, so you can watch it whenever you want or rewatch it as many times as you want. Think of it like a playbook for YouTube right there in your back pocket!

Ready to see what it’s all about? Click here to learn more about the Profit Per View Workshop!


Create High-Quality Content With This YouTube Equipment Checklist


From my DMs: “Why is No One Watching My YouTube Videos?”