Getting Started with TubeBuddy in under 10 minutes (Get more views on YouTube using these features)!

As a busy content creator and multi 6-figure business owner, plus being a mom to a 3 and 5 year old, I need to make sure the time I put into my videos will pay off... AKA there needs to be ROI on the videos I create. I need to make sure I will get eyes and views on my content.

This is why I love TubeBuddy so much! Tubebuddy helps me ensure that I'm putting the best content out with the best chance to get that ROI. Let me help you get started with TubeBuddy so you can ensure you see ROI on your video content and help you get more views on YouTube using some of my favorite TubeBuddy features.

Now before you click that video above here, you're going to want to make sure you've downloaded TubeBuddy to your Chrome Browser. What you'll do is head to and type in TubeBuddy. This will bring you to the extension you need. Download that and install it to your browser.

After that, you'll need to create a TubeBuddy account. Head to to sign up for an account. Now you have a few options here. You can start with a free account or you can sign up for a paid account. The paid accounts offer some seriously amazing features and we're going to talk about those today.

TubeBuddy will ask for access to your google account/YouTube channel. This might sound scary but they are okay to trust over at TubeBuddy! They are 100% verified and approved BY YouTube so they will never delete or mess with any of your videos. They are only using your data to continue to help you pick the best videos

If you'd like to sign up for a paid account, you can use the code "trenasbuddy" to get 20% off your account.

Okay... so now that you're all signed up, it's time to watch the video above to get a behind the scenes tour of how you can get started with TubeBuddy!


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