How To Find FRESH Content Ideas

If you're struggling with coming up with content for your business, are you in for a treat today. As someone that has been creating content online for years now, I know that sometimes you can feel like you have nothing to say at all.

This week, we're going to dig into how you can create an endless list of fresh content ideas, whether you're using YouTube, a blog or even podcasts.

So why is this so important? Creating content isn't just about putting out content when inspiration strikes! You have to be consistent. This can sometimes feel like a challenge, especially if you're struggling with a creative block.

It happens to all of us, don't worry! When I start to feel that way, I like to do a few things to keep my creatives juices going.


You already know that I love TubeBuddy for my YouTube channel. However, I'm not using it in the traditional sense. Most people are using TubeBuddy's keyword research tool to get information about what tags are going to be best for their videos.

Instead of doing that, I use it to explore topics that I may have missed! So I'll type in the topic of choice and see what the most common keywords associated with that topic are. This often will give me some new ideas. It'll also show me what trending at the moment and when topics perform the best.

KeyWord Surfer.

This is a free extension for Google Chrome and is a little more google centric. However, this platform is free to use and can provide a lot of insight into topics that would be great for your audience. Be sure to watch the video above to get a full look at how I use Keyword Surfer to get new topic ideas.


Chances are you're getting asked questions about your business. What are those questions? Can you turn them into videos? Answering questions for your audience is a great way to get content ideas.

You can also see what kind of questions are being asked about in Facebook groups. I like to go to a Facebook group and search my topic and see what posts come up. This will often open some ideas about how I can answer questions with my video content.

YouTube Comments.

There are already a ton of videos in the same niche as yours! What I love to do is go to other videos that are relevant to my topic and peruse the comments. Are there any questions in those comments that spur inspiration for content? Can I add more to the conversation with a video that I create?

This is a great way to see what's missing in the content in your industry and get some great ideas!

Answer the Public.

I'll admit, I don't use this one often because the other options tend to work well for me. However, if I've really hit a wall, Answer the Public can help me to see new spins on the topic that I've been thinking about. This free tool can be great for those moments when you are so stuck!

Ask Your Audience.

I love this method because it tells you exactly what you should be talking about. Ask your audience directly what they want to learn about! I like to send out surveys every other quarter to touch base with my audience about where they would like to grow. I offer an incentive for this by giving away a few gift cards for their time.

You can also ask via a poll on social media. For example, you can ask on Instagram if someone wants to learn how to bake a cake or how to make cookies. You want to give options instead of an open ended question on social media because people are more likely to tap one or the other as opposed to writing an answer down.

The YouTube Community Tab.

Now this one is only available for people that are over 1000 subscribers but the tool is valuable. You can actually poll your subscribers to find out what they want to learn and create content surrounding that.


Scrolling podcasts that you follow is a great way to get ideas! You don't even necessarily need to listen to the podcast episode, you can just see what topics are being talked about. See if that sparks any ideas in you.


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