How to Keep Your YouTube Strategy Ridiculously Simple

“I just don’t have time to record YouTube videos. I have too much going on.”

This is the NUMBER ONE concern business owners come to me with.

They want to invest in resources and groups to help them learn more about using YouTube for their business, but they’re worried that, on top of all the client work they have, there won’t be any time leftover to do it. 

Or they know what they need to do to get started, but can’t seem to take the plunge and just do it. They’re overwhelmed, overworked, and think that adding one more thing isn’t possible (and let’s be real here, probably think it won’t ever be either). 

But I’ve got good news, my friend. 

If you’re eager to get started on YouTube but you’re worried about the time commitment, this post is going to give you some of my best tips for making your YouTube strategy ridiculously simple. If you can devote even just one hour a week to YouTube, then this will be easy. 

YouTube videos aren’t a one-and-done deal

Your content on Instagram isn’t likely to make it past the 48-hour mark. And it’s even shorter for TikTok. Yes, Reels may go viral after being up for a while from time to time, but it's unlikely. You can’t rely on it to bring results much longer than two days. 

YouTube, on the other hand, can quite literally last for years! Content on YouTube is designed to last longer, because not only have they created their algorithm to keep people on their platform (and will show them videos that will do that, new or old), long-form videos serve a bigger purpose. 

Think about it — you can’t really search for “how-tos” on IG, but YouTube is a hub for content like that, which is far worth the time you put into creating it. With YouTube, you will see a return on your investment, whether that’s with the time and energy you put into it, or the money (like equipment or outsourcing help to edit).

Don’t be fancy, just show up!

Many people think their videos have to be perfectly polished and lengthy to be worth a post. But that couldn’t be farther from the truth. Even just a simple, 5-10 minute video can do a lot for your strategy — it’s certainly enough to appease their algorithm and flag you as a consistent creator. 

When it's time to film, just stick to the basics. You just need to focus on what’s getting done and let the work speak for itself (within reason of course. Low-quality videos are a red flag!!)

Here’s what I use: 

  • Camera

  • Mic

  • Camera card

  • Light

  • Blankets (for noise cancellation and light!)

  • Background ideas

  • Backup mic

  • Extra batteries

  • Tripod

Repurpose your content strategically

READ: strategically.

This is the secret to showing up across platforms more without wearing yourself out. But you can’t just slap up a clip from your Facebook Live on YouTube, showing no regard for the platform’s unique content models, and expect it to do well. 

Anytime you repurpose content, no matter where it came from or where it will go next, pay attention to how people will be consuming content there — and make sure you leave time to engage with your audience. Posting and peacing out isn’t a great way to build community — and that’s pretty much all the power that social media holds. 

It can be as easy as creating a YouTube video, then creating a blog from that outline, then emails and social media posts (that’s what we do over at Trena Little HQ!).

Create a plan and stick with it

Last-minute posts aren’t going to cut it anymore. If you want to grow your business, you need a plan — one that’s simple and sustainable (because otherwise, you’ll ditch it in a week). 

A few things that help me out:

  • Building a system in Asana: This is where I store all my content ideas, plans, and posts. It helps me and everyone on my team see where and when things need to be, saving us time that may otherwise be spent on running around looking for files and project details. You can also automate posts by creating templates and guidelines for each platform/type of post.

  • Batch your content: When your brain is already in YouTube mode, email mode, IG mode, etc, you can knock things out faster because you won’t have to worry about constantly starting and stopping and have to reintroduce your brain to that workflow. 

  • Make one platform your focus: *ahem* YouTube! The others are just a side quest. It’s better to give one all you’ve got than to run yourself into the ground trying to be everywhere at once. It’s okay to show up in one place more than the other (just make sure you pick YouTube as your focus…because if you couldn’t tell by now, that’s where the money is!).

Get the tried and true basics you need to get started — right at your fingertips

If you’re overwhelmed by all the things you need to do to get started — allow me to introduce you to Video Strategy Academy!

Video Strategy Academy is your one-stop-shop creating strategic YouTube videos — videos that convert around the clock without requiring a huge sacrifice when it comes to your time (and wallet). Inside, I'll teach you how to draft ideas for videos that people actually want to watch, while giving you the tools and processes needed to create them.

And these aren’t just any ol’ tips you can Google. These are the actual strategies I use everyday with my clients, and with my own business. 

If you…

🛑Keep getting stuck on content ideas

📉Feel like you aren’t seeing the ROI you need on other social media platforms, no matter how hard you work

💻Need a strategy to help drive people to your website

✅Are ready to get on camera and use YouTube to make it happen

Then go get registered! 

The doors won’t be open forever…so take this chance while you’ve got it my friend. A few months from now, your numbers could be looking green. The question is, are you going to keep waiting around for it to happen?


Will YouTube Work for Your Business?


Everything You Need to Know Before Repurposing Your Content