When I started my YouTube channel back in 2015, I didn't have a real game plan. All I knew is that I wanted to make lots of money so I could quit going to that job I hated every single day. Watching other YouTubers, I saw that they were getting sponsorships and brand deals and I wanted a piece of that!

However, I quickly learned that there's so much more to being a YouTuber and making money online than just creating and posting video content. In fact, when I learned that I had no control over how much money I could make on a video, I knew that something had to change.

I had to take matters into my own hands and instead of using YouTube as my golden ticket to massive money (which, ahem, isn't how it works anyway!), I was going to have to make it my marketing content. Like, the billboard of the internet for my business.

So the upside to all of this is that I already knew the basics of starting a business. After taking some time to find my place on YouTube and learn everything I could, I built a business that makes me money AND I use YouTube to help me get the traffic I need to make sales.

Here's the thing. YouTube and video content are higher converters than anything else. It tops blog posts, emails, you name it. Someone is more likely to work with me or make a purchase just because they've seen my videos.

But how exactly do I make that money? It comes in two forms.


I currently offer two courses. The first course is the Video Strategy Academy. This program comes as a self paced course OR you can also jump into a VIP Group Coaching version of Video Strategy Academy. Both sides of this program help you go from idea to launching a YouTube channel with ease so you don't have to play the trial and error game.

The VIP level, or the group coaching level, offers a more personalized experience. You get weekly calls with me, the ability to be put in a hot seat for a deep dive into your channel, guest experts and more.

The other course I offer is the YouTube Workflow Blueprint, which walks you through creating a strong workflow for your YouTube channel so you can take the overwhelm out of video creation.

And here's the thing. The amount I receive for getting ONE STUDENT is roughly equal to what I make on YouTube in one month. You can see where this is going. This is so important to know because while I can't multiply what YouTube is giving me, I CAN get more students. And I do! I get up to 20+ new students every single month.


Another way I make money in my business is through 1:1 client sessions. I offer two different types. A one time strategy session, where I dig into your channel and then meet with you to go over what I've learned and how you can create some momentum in your channel.

The other offering is a 3 month coaching package that offers monthly calls, access to me during business hours for input on ideas, thumbnails etc and so much more.

Need some ideas on what you can sell? Click here!

So you see, the money isn't in the platform, it's in the people that are ON the platform watching. We use it to build a business, not a following.

I know what you're thinking. But how can I get my viewers to do all of this? I'm already overwhelmed. Well friend, it's time to dig in. Click to watch the video above, I'm going to take you behind the scenes to show you what my process is to getting clients from YouTube!

Okay, so let's break this down. You know you need people to get their eyes on your business so how do we do it? The best way is through organic traffic. We create organic traffic by creating content that our potential students and clients may need.

For an example, someone may need to learn how to get started on YouTube. They may search for that on Google or YouTube. Since I've created those types of videos, my content may show up for them. This is how you get the organic traffic!

If they like the content and it provides them with good information, I can move on to the next step which is getting them on my email list. Every so often, I mention a freebie or opt in or checklist in my videos or in my end screens. This is something that is high value and will help overcome an obstacle that my viewer can get for free in exchange for their email.

Once they're on my email list, they'll be put into a funnel that has a ton of a value and that will build a relationship. That relationship is what leads a person to seek out working with me in a greater capacity! But I'm not stopping there.

Because I know video is powerful, I'm not going to just focus on YouTube. I'll film alternate endings for my LinkedIn account, for Facebook, Instagram and more. This gets more eyes on my content AND connect me with more people I can help.

See, YouTube and video are really my best marketers. And now they can be yours too!


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READ YOUR YOUTUBE ANALYTICS LIKE A PRO: A YouTube Analytics Tutorial For Beginners