My January 2022 Goals (And How I Made Them Happen)

Listen, I've had a love-hate relationship with goals for the longest time. It can be hard to plan for an entire quarter or even a year, only to lose sight of those goals as you get busy or other things come up. However, many of you on my YouTube Channel and on my Instagram page have been curious about my goal planning process. 

So, I'm giving you a brand new series! Each month, I'll cover what I set out to achieve and whether it was a success or a total bust. Did I accomplish my January 2022 goals? Read on (or watch the video below) to find out!

Goal #1: Track my goals

Two years ago, I started the Louise Henry Asana Course to help me get a little (okay, a lot) more organized…and never finished it. It's ironic. I signed up so I could see a clearer path to my goals, but my Enneagram three nature took over, and I ended up getting sidetracked by trying to be an overachiever.

And because I wasn't getting anything done, I was convinced that I just sucked at life! The truth is, though, that I just needed to keep track of my goals and stick with them, so I started the Asana course again. 

I also moved away from doing monthly goals because things can get hectic when something unexpected happens (like having to figure out child care when your family members, who normally watch your kids, are sick).

Instead, I do 90-day planning, so it gives me an idea of what I need to be doing over a stretch of time that isn't too long or too short and without having to start from scratch on a month-to-month basis. 

90-day planning keeps me in check and helps me actually get work done instead of trying to do too much at once. I write those plans down on a paper planner, then transfer them into Asana. This keeps things properly organized for my team and I.

Goal #2: Prioritize my health

At the end of 2021, I was in a funk. I wasn't feeling very happy or motivated, so I decided that January called for a little me time. My January goal focused on self-care, so I bought myself a sauna bag. 

These bags help mitigate cortisol production from stress (and you get a lot from being a mom and a business owner). I just roll out of bed every morning and chill out for about 30 minutes, and then get started with my day!

Another healthy habit I started was working out in my home gym more often. I used to be a field hockey player, so I enjoy the physical activity. I work out for 40 - 50 minutes, five times a week, and spend half of that time doing weights, and the other half either on a run/walk sequence, or on my Peloton bike (because who doesn't love a good ride with Cody Rigsby?!)

Goal 3: Hit my first 6-figure launch

I've had successful launches in the past, but none that have hit 6-figures, and I want to change that. In February, we're launching the Video Strategy Academy 3.0, and I would love to see that goal become a reality through this course. 

So to get there, I decided I was going to need to be more consistent with showing up on social media. We've upped our video production from one video a week to two a week (which you can catch on Mondays and Thursdays at 9 AM EST!). So check! 

To help me reach my overall 90-day goal of a 6-figure Video Strategy Academy launch, I also needed to show up more on Instagram. My goal was to post 15 times in January, and I ended up posting 19 times. Check again (checking things off my to-do list is my favorite hobby).

To give you an idea of what went into our January monthly content and production process, we had:

  • 9 new videos posted

  • 54K views on those videos

  • 800+ new subscribers

  • 4 new podcast episodes

  • 19 Instagram posts

  • 4 Facebook posts

  • 4 email newsletters

  • 4 promo emails

  • 1 blog 

  • Wrote, edited, and practiced my speech for Marketer's Heart

  • VIP Day with a client (basically, 8 videos in 8 hours from scratch!)

Here's what all that content brought us in January:

  • $24,105.50 invoiced to clients

  • 2 new agency clients

  • 7 discovery calls

These are the pieces that will help me achieve those overarching goals, so the smaller moving parts are super important.

Goal 4: Celebrate the wins

I usually spend my time thinking about all the things I didn't get done and completely ignoring all the things I did accomplish (if it wasn't incredibly obvious by now that I'm an Enneagram three, there ya go). 

So I decided to instead celebrate all the wins, big and small, that happened in January. Here's a few of those:

  • My lead strategist and I created an onboarding process (something that was a total flop in the past) for new employees. As we scale and keep hiring more people, we want to make sure they have everything they need for a smooth start. This took us almost two months to do, and it is just *chef's kiss.*

Launched the YouTube Game Plan Challenge, and we got over 100 sign-ups in the first 48 hours! Plus, we streamlined a ton of features to help us onboard challenge members and keep in touch with them after it ends. Oh yeah, and all the promo for it too!

A look ahead: February goals

February is going to be crazy, but in the best way possible!

In the first week, we'll be focused on the live challenge, so I have all my time blocked out to make sure I'm there to support everyone who signed up. I'll be helping with the assignments given throughout the week, providing feedback, and offering advice. It's like they're getting a pro YouTube strategist in their back pocket for just $10!

The week of the 14th we are launching the Video Strategy Academy 3.0! It'll only be open for a very short amount of time since we’ve added a ton of new features that are going to take this experience to the next level (P.S. - if you aren't on the waitlist yet, go ahead and put your name down so you don't miss the moment we own it back up!).

On February 28, the first NEW module drops, then we'll have our weekly call with our members to check in on them, see where they're getting stuck, and offer support. My goal for everyone is to launch their first video within the first 30 days of the course, so on top of the new content specially designed to help you get there, my team and I will be on standby to help you out.

And finally, in the third week of February, WE'RE GOING TO DISNEY! I'll be speaking at Marketer's Heart 2022, and I cannot wait for this because I've worked so hard on my speech, practiced it A LOT, and even had it reviewed.

This will be my first time speaking on stage in over two years, and my kids' first time at Disney, so we have an entire plan mapped out before we even step foot on park grounds (because I didn't realize you needed a Ph.D. in Disney to make a game plan). 

I'm really happy to get on stage and speak again and also to have some much-needed downtime after launching the Video Strategy Academy. Stay tuned to see how February's goals go!

Wondering how I plan to hit 6 figures (again) this year?

If you want to know how I got to this point in my business, and want to know how you can hit six figures in your own business, go check out my last video, where I break down the math for you to tell you exactly how to do it. 

I'm not a numbers person either, friend, so If I can do this, I know you can too!


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