Why Your Email List Isn't Growing!

Regardless of where you are with your email list, you probably already know that your email list is really the lifeline of your business. That being said, building an email list isn't something that just instantly happens.

In fact, you may be feeling stuck when it comes to creating that list. This is why this week, I want to share my secret strategy to creating explosive growth on your email list!

Before we dive into that, we need to make sure we're on the same page about one thing in particular. You don't own your social followers. That's right. You may have a ton of followers on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or any other platform but what happens if that platform goes under.

You lose your followers. And then what? This is why it's imperative that you start collecting emails so that you have a way to connect with your audience without social media.

Chances are you're not utilizing one of the most powerful platforms available for your email list. You know where this is going, right? YouTube is the second most popular search engine, topped only by Google. And Google OWNS YouTube.

So when someone is searching for something on Google, Google naturally shows YouTube content as the first result option! This makes using YouTube to promote your email list and opt ins a no brainer. 

There are three simple ways to grow your email list on YouTube.

Ask People to Sign Up.

It's always scary to put the big ask out there. But people don't know what you have to offer if you're not telling them what you have! Don't be afraid to add a clickable link in your video or end screen if you have that option. If you haven't met the threshold to do that yet (1k subscribers and 4k watch hours), you can always tell them to check the link in your description!

Always Have a Soft Sell in Your Description.

This means you need to always have your freebie in your description. You can add a little caption of text that says something like "Grab your free XYZ" and then link to that freebie!

People do actually scroll the descriptions and the word FREE is always an attention grabber!

Make Your Opt In a Value Ad.

Click the video above to see what I'm talking about. But in case you're not ready to watch yet, here's what I mean! When you start a video, let your viewer know to stay to the end because you're going to give them a tool that will help them take the video content further.

Now this is a great way to increase your watch time AND get that email address.

But what if you're struggling to get views on your videos? I've got your back, friend! Let's dig into 3 ways you can get more views on your videos.

Post consistently.

If you're posting sporadically, YouTube doesn't start showing your content to viewers. YouTube favors those that consistently post valuable content and will start to add your video to recommended content when you do that.

So create a posting schedule and stick with it!

Plan Your Content.

We're all about playing nicely with YouTube and that means planning that content out. See, YouTube doesn't like it when you send people away from YouTube. Which is what you're doing when you send people to sign up for your email list. This means you need to be sure to have a balance of value based content and then throw in a call to action to click away to that opt in page.

Master the YouTube Trifecta.

There are three pieces of analytics that you need to really track and master. Those analytics are

  • Click Through Rate- This is what your thumbnail and title really do. They get people to click into your videos. Work to consistently improve those thumbnails and titles.

  • Audience Retention- How long is your audience watching your video? Pay attention to when your audience drops off and see what triggered it. You can create a strategy with that data for future videos.

  • End Screen Click Through- Like your standard click through, this is the click through on your end screen. Meaning your audience is clicking over to another video on YouTube of yours, really initiating that Netflix style binge!

Once you tackle those steps, you'll start to see improvement in your views and that email list will start to grow!


Never Run Out of Good Video Ideas


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