Youtube Keyword Tool

One of the most difficult things to do when getting your business on Youtube is figuring out how to title your Youtube videos and what you should include as tags.  If you have never done this before you probably aren't sure where to even get started!

Youtube Keyword Tool

The three Youtube keyword tools I'm going to discuss in today's video are going to help you figure out what your ideal viewer is actually searching Youtube and Google for.  These tools are going to help you define the exact phrases they are searching for.  And the best part about these tools is the are free!

My Youtube keyword research process:

3 free keyword tools: 

  • Google Keyword Planner
  • Youtube Search
  • TubeBuddy

By honing in on the exact Youtube keywords your audience is searching, you are able to rank your Youtube videos higher, get your video seen by more people, and ultimately build your business quicker.  All it takes is a little extra research and the pay off is amazing!

If you are ready to get your Youtube channel set up and start your Youtube keyword research, make sure you grab my Youtube channel checklist to ensure you set up your channel properly!  There are a few things some people might not know to really set up their channel for success so grab the checklist below to ensure you complete all the necessary steps for success!


Youtube Workflow


How To Use Youtube Tags For Views