Youtube vs. Facebook: Where should my videos be?

You started creating video content for your business OR you are thinking about creating video content for your business... but where should you be uploading your videos?

Facebook video is the new shiny platform for video, getting all the attention and chatter.

But Youtube is like those old pair of jeans you can never get rid of.  It's been there for so long, it's never going to go out of style, right? 

So which one is the right answer?  Is Facebook going to put Youtube out of business?

Today I created a video discussing the Pros and Cons of each platform and what my final choice it!

Watch my YouTube vs Facebook video:


Key take aways from this video

  • Decide what your end goal is with your video content.
  • Facebook gets real time results and is more likely to have a "viral" video.
  • Facebook view count isn't really reflecting a real view count.
  • Youtube is the second largest search engine in the world.
  • People are actually seeking out your content on Youtube
  • Youtube is a clunky, hard to figure out platform

What to do next?

  • Leave a comment letting me know if you are creating video for Facebook or Youtube
  • Not sure which platform you should focus on?  Facebook Live, Youtube, Instagram Stories... confused?  This guide walks you through the pros and cons of each to help you decide which is right for you and your business.  Plus a worksheet to help you come up with video ideas AND 10 free video ideas to get started!  Enter your email address below to get the guide!

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