6 Simple Strategies to Grow Your YouTube Channel

Raise your hand if you enjoy having your time wasted!!!

Yeah — thought so. You’re a business owner, so I know you don’t like having your time wasted. 

But you’re probably staring at your YouTube analytics screen right now, wondering why the heck you stopped growing. You want to know if it’s time to cut your losses and save yourself from kissing more of your precious time goodbye.

Don’t give up just yet, because today, I’m handing over 6 of my simplest strategies for boosting growth on Youtube. And these strategies don’t require you to be a YouTube pro — you just need to have a YouTube channel and be willing to learn something new to implement these key points.

Know your audience

You need to understand your audience — their wants, their needs, and other people they’re watching on YouTube because it groups similar channels together based on your viewing history. It’s like what happens when your kid takes over your account for a day, and the next time you go to Youtube, there are a ton of kid’s videos recommended to you. 

Remember — the name of the game on YouTube is to keep people on the platform as long as possible. So find a few channels you think your audience is watching and take notes!

Pick better topics

Something I talk a lot about here is neighbor niches, which are basically just similar businesses/channels. This is a crucial part of your research strategy. So, once you know who you’re talking to, and what other channels they're watching, you need to pay attention to what they’re talking about. 

You can take a look at what videos are doing well versus ones that aren’t getting a lot of traction or dive into the comments section to get a feel for what is resonating with your target audience. 

Boost your click-through rate (CTR)

A solid YouTube strategy is about more than dousing your content in keywords and calling it a day. You don’t even need to add them to the title and thumbnail anymore because YouTube is seriously so smart that it knows what you’re saying in the video

They’re taking care of that for you. Your job is to create something that will get people to stop the scroll. You want to get them interested in what your video is about. 

So, you gotta deliver your promises in the very beginning. Don’t wait until halfway through the video to talk about the content mentioned in the thumbnail. Otherwise, people aren’t going to keep watching and will stop clicking when your video comes across their feed. 

Improve audience retention

Do me a favor — stop using branded intros. They’re boring to your audience and don’t provide a lot of value to your content. Your videos aren’t a commercial for your business, they’re an opportunity to connect with and provide valuable information to your audience. 

To improve audience retention (aka getting people to keep watching), you can do little things like:

  • Encourage them to hit the like button after you’ve talked to them for a few minutes

  • Add in calls to action throughout the video

  • Show examples of what you’re talking about

  • Add GIFS to keep it fun

Focus on building a community

Yes, YouTube is very different from other social media platforms, but it’s still a social media platform. Don’t forget to interact with your audience. I usually do this within the first 24 hours of posting my video by responding to comments. 

You could also create interactions in the community tab, where you even poll your audience (who doesn't love a good quiz). Best part? You can schedule these in advance too. 

Create binge-worthy content

Remember when I said earlier the name of the game on YouTube is to keep people watching? Yeah, you also need bingeable content to do that. 

It’s not about creating longer videos, it’s about creating content your audience enjoys. Don’t worry about length, just worry about delivering something tangible and useful that can also foster a connection with your audience, subscribers or not. 

The more someone watches your videos, the more YouTube will recommend your channel to them. Binageble content benefits you because it benefits YouTube (more videos and views = more businesses paying for ads). 

Want to learn how to put it all together in a killer strategy? 

All these tips are great, but unless you can put them together into a strategy, you may not get the results you’re hoping for. What you need is a plan to bring everything full circle and start creating YouTube content that turns your channel into your most successful digital channel yet. 

This is exactly what I teach inside Video Strategy Academy! This is your one-stop shop for learning how to create strategic YouTube videos, no matter where you are in business right now. If you need help getting started, and want a clear, easy-to-use roadmap for growing your channel, this is the place to be!



This YouTube Strategy Gained 11,500 Subscribers and 375,000 Views in 90 Days


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