The Only 4 Pieces of Equipment I Use for Recording YouTube Videos

The number one concern I hear from business owners about starting their YouTube channel? They don’t have the right equipment to make it happen.

They either think that they need professional-grade cameras or influencer lighting to show up and make videos. But that’s not even close to the truth. 

What if I told you that I only have 4 pieces of equipment to create two YouTube videos a week (that averages 1500 views per video)?

For years, I didn’t have a camera, and I used my iPhone. And when I decided to get fancy, I bought an insanely expensive camera and matching lenses…and I never used it. It’s back there collecting dust because it’s such a pain to set up. 

So believe me when I say, simple is better!

My camera

My all-time favorite camera to use is the SonyZV1. I get a lot of questions about the “filter” I’m using on my videos — but it’s not the filter, it’s the camera! It’s super HQ and not a bad price for the quality it produces, either. 

It’s lightweight and not overly complicated on the settings — you can literally just point and shoot! However, if you want to just use your phone to record, that’s a great option too, especially if you’re just starting out. 

My tripod

Because every good camera needs a good tripod to keep it company, I use….books! They’re stable, short, and hey — it gets the job done without costing a lot. And having the right tripod setup helps me capture the best thumbnails to hook my audience!

My mic

Audio makes up 50% of your viewer experience, so, not only do you need a decent mic, but you also need to keep your “studio” set up for good audio. I use a Blue Yeti Mic because honestly? It’s what I had on hand (as you can tell we’re pretty low maintenance around here). 

Now, by studio I don’t mean recording studio, but I do mean you need to have a closed room where there won’t be a lot of sound interference. I just use my office, but I pad the room with rugs, blankets, and pillows to block external sound. And these are just things I have around the house — nothing fancy!

Lighting equipment

Lighting can get tricky and complex reeeeall quick. There are a ton of resources online that give you tips on how to do this eloquently, but because I only have a few hours at a time to shoot and have a kid banging on the office door and a client fire to put out on the side…I don’t have time to make it Hollywood-worthy. 

But because lighting is so important (and it’s little things that make your channel more subscribable), I intentionally set up my desk by the window in my office and balance the lighting with additional softbox lights. And then I top it off with some extra decorative lights (string lights) in the background. 

You’ve got the right equipment — now get the best content plan to get started!

Hopefully now you’re feeling confident and ready to make YouTube videos for your small business. But, you may still be wondering about how to plan out those high-quality videos. It’s a process with a lot of moving parts, but that doesn't mean it has to be difficult. 

In fact, I’ve compiled over 7 years of YouTube trial and error into one easy-to-follow course that’ll help you jumpstart your YouTube channel!

If you’re ready to match your content to the quality of your videos, then this is for you. We’ll cover content planning and strategy, how to create videos that drive leads around the clock, how to repurpose your content, and everything in between.

And it’s yours for just $997 (which includes lifetime access and some major bonuses)! What do ya say? Ready to make YouTube your biggest money maker? 



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