One thing that is so important to your YouTube channel is making sure you have a strong content plan for you to follow. Keeping it organized is another part that you really can't leave out. If you're trying to keep track of post it notes and notebooks for your content plan, it's time for you to step into a better way. This week, we're going to be digging into how I plan and organize a month of YouTube Content... and yep... that means I'm sharing some of my favorite planning hacks!

The worst thing you can do here on YouTube, whether you are just getting started with your channel or you are looking to really grow your channel is not planning and mapping out the content you are going to create.

Skipping the planning phase here on YouTube could potentially hurt your video and channel's success but also really limit your productivity when it comes to content creation.

So the first step I take to planning my content is keeping a running list of video ideas in Asana and keeping them ORGANIZED. 

So where do those ideas come from?

  • I get a question in my group coaching program.

  • Instagram comments or DMS.

  • YouTube comments

I then save them all in Asana so when I sit down to start planning my videos I don't have any lack of ideas.

Now I have my list of potential video ideas saved in a safe place because let's be real- as a mom to a 3 and 5 year old, no notebook is ever REALLY safe.

It's time to research how I want to pitch this video..

This is so important because it

  • Makes sure the time you put into videos is worth it and what YOUR audience actually wants.

  • That your video can actually compete with what's already out there

  • Capitalizes on what's currently trending (on your channel or others in the same niche).

I love to use TubeBuddy to get quick results! 

Here's how I start:

  • Take my idea and hone in on a keyword using TubeBuddy. This takes some time but like I said, it's CRITICAL to making sure the time you put in pays off.

  • While I'm doing this research, I'm also keeping all my notes in Asana.

  • Copy tags, Screen shot thumbnail and title ideas.

  • Use TubeBuddy SEO tool for titles.

  • You can also save all of this in TubeBuddy, which is a total LIFE SAVER!

If you want to get started playing around with TubeBuddy too, use the code trenasbuddy to get 20% off! Click here to get started!

Once I've done that on TubeBuddy I'm going to look at other videos around this topic and see how they are pitching the topic. This allows me to learn about a few things.

  1. What's my unique approach? How am I going to tackle this topic in my own unique way?

  2. What's being said in the comments and how can I leverage that in my content?

Yes, that's right we are STILL in the research phase of planning my videos!

You need to understand - this is worth your time - if you don't do this step it's pretty much like throwing spaghetti at a wall - make sure there is ROI on your videos!

Next, I will decide on my Title and Thumbnail Idea BEFORE I write any content! This seems strange but it allows me to really figure out how to craft my hook and also ensures that I deliver what I promise in my content.

Now it's time to actually PLAN the video

I'm going to show you my video game plan template here in a minute BUT you need to understand planning up front is going to SAVE YOU TIME - filming and editing!

Let's run through my video game plan run down

Once I have the game plan complete it's time to figure out when these videos go live. This next step is CRITICAL if you want to stay consistent - You need to put a recording day on your calendar and don't make ANY appointments - find any possible way to get your kids out of the house.

Batching is also a lifesaver! Do the process I just shared with you 3 more times so you can film 4 videos.

Want to work with us 1:1?


How To Batch An ENTIRE MONTH Of YouTube Content in ONE DAY (Content Batching For YouTube Secrets REVEALED!)!


How To Start A YouTube Channel in 2020: Beginners Guide to YouTube and Starting from Scratch!