How To Start A YouTube Channel in 2020: Beginners Guide to YouTube and Starting from Scratch!

We all know that video is king when it comes to content. Whether you're on Facebook, Google, or any other platform, video is stealing the spotlight. But every time I talk at a conference, talk to my students or have a client comes to me, they always so the same thing - There's just too much when it comes to youtube and I just don't know how to get started.

And I totally understand. We have been quarantined for months and we just started virtual Kindergarten here in my office where I normally film videos so I completely understand what it is like for you if you are trying to balance your time between running a business managing kids schooling and then thinking about YoUTube but just putting it off

So I wanted to use this video to show you HOW you can start a YouTube channel without burning or stressing yourself out with some simple, attainable things you can do to actually start using YouTube as part of your business's marketing plan... because YouTube is the BEST content!

Because there are a TON of videos out there that show you how to start a YouTube channel BUT what about those of us that are moms, or dads that can't commit all their time to YouTube! This video is for you! 

Real talk right now, understand you are going to hate that first video you create. All creators do BUT if you don't get these out of the way and accept that you are never going to get better! So if you are really committed right now to starting a successful YouTube channel - one that actually makes you money, you need to be will to ripe that bandaid off, and Here are the best steps to getting started!

The first thing you need to understand is I'm just not grabbing my camera and recording this. I've planned this out. I've researched it, I scripted it, I know exactly what shots I need to get so that:

A] Recording and editing this video goes much faster, because remember, we are LIMITED ON TIME

B] The time I put into creating a video I want to make sure it pays off. In other words, I want to make sure the videos I do create people are watching!

Especially if you are a one woman show you need to make sure you are planning out this video to save you your hair when it comes to time!

Now that you understand that there is planning that needs to happen, what does that planning look like? Let me show you how I use a tool called TubeBuddy to really save time and help me streamline this planning phase. PS you can get 20% off TubeBuddy by using my the code trenabuddy at checkout!

One of the things I see newbie Youtubers do is talk about too many things on their channel. Listen. You have to hear me out on this one... NICHE DOWN.

Remember - it's all about VALUE and what is someone going to get out of your channel!

Now let's talk about building your YouTube brand.

A lot of the things I'm going to cover in these next couple of steps, I've covered in complete detail in other videos, so I will make sure they are all listed in the description box of this video for you to watch after this, but let's talk next about setting up your Youtube channel homepage. Some things you need to focus on are your...

  • Channel Homepage

  • Channel banner

  • Channel Icon

  • About/Links

But what about when you upload your video?

So when you do upload your video to YouTube you need to remember to add:

  •  Title

  • Thumbnail

  • Description

  • Tags

  • End Screens

  • Cards

  • Made for kids

  • You can even schedule!

Let's have another chat here. It's important to understand this isn't going to grow overnight. It's not something you can just upload a video and expect to grow. I know this personally... why my channel is "smaller" is because I don't put the time I would like to into my channel. I focus a lot of my time helping clients and students grow theirs. So just understand if you aren't putting actual time into planning your videos, reading your analytics, and learning how to be better at YouTube its going to take a long time to grow!

Ok so how do you get started!? You are ready to commit and start creating videos for YouTube!

I want you to commit to a schedule. Look this is the hardest thing to do and it's to commit to YouTube. I like to block every first Wednesday of the month as my filming day That means I need to have them planned before that so the first Monday of the month might be my planning day.

This is the only way you are going to stay consistent if your schedule is busy!

I prefer to batch more than one video... if I can get just 3 hours, I can usually do the entire months worth of videos if I have it planned

Since we're talking about planning the content and getting it filmed, let's tackle the next big question. How many videos should you publish per week? Just one! I know the answer is surprising! But the truth is that you want to focus on the quality over the quantity.

Want to learn more about how you can create content with ease? Watch the video above to dig into how I plan and more!

Learn The SIMPLE 3 step process to editing videos every week - without spending hours at the computer in my free class, How I Edit My Videos in Under 2 Hours!




What You Should Say in Your First YouTube Video