How to Create a Social Media Content Calendar in Asana

The key to having a sustainable content strategy? Having a plan! 

Like most things in business, brainstorming and creating your content on YouTube is so much easier when you have a plan of action to follow. It gives you the space to get strategic, and helps all of your content flow together so it always reaches the right people. 

But where do you KEEP those plans? And how do you keep them all organized? 

One word: Asana!

I keep everything in my business organized inside of Asana — and that includes my content calendar. Which is why I want to show you how I set things up there.  

In this video, you’ll get to see my entire system, and how you can apply it to your business too! Let’s make content planning a breeze, shall we?

What my content calendar in Asana looks like

In the video, I go into deeee-tail about what I include in my Asana content calendar. It’s a lot to explain over a blog, so I would recommend watching the video to get the full picture. There, you’ll see exactly how I set up my content calendar board, and how I organize it into subcategories so it’s all consistent and easy to access — for me AND my team!

However, if you prefer the SparkNotes version, you can read along with some of the Asana content calendar best practices I mention in the video below. 

Have one core piece of content

I have only one core piece of content each week (on YouTube). From there, every other piece of content I create is based on that video, with the exception of promotional periods when we’re launching the YouTube Coaching Experience, Profit Per View, etc. 

But these weekly YouTube videos aren’t random. I also follow a five to six-video playlist system. This is a part of my Profitable Keyword Framework process included in Profit Per View, which makes the algorithm happy by getting people to binge-watch my content. 

This is beneficial for YouTube, because it keeps people on the platform for longer. And it’s beneficial for me not only because the algo pushes my content, but also because the consistent content that feeds into each other helps my audience warm up to work with me! 

YouTube is pretty much the heartbeat of my content calendar. I know that’s going to be the content that generates the most traction and helps me reach the most people, so I focus my attention there. 

Build a system to keep it flowing

Now, it’s not enough to just create the content. You have to also create a system for going live with it!

For my team and I, this includes: 

  • Templates for each piece of content

  • Tags to keep everything color-coordinated and organized

  • Assigning subtasks to help us get to the bigger picture tasks (i.e., posting a video)

Once I have the YouTube plan, I move on to tasking out my emails. I recently decided to put Instagram content on pause, so other than that, YouTube and email are the only platforms I’m active on. 

And even though I have a marketing director, and I work with a copywriting agency to help me out, it’s hard to keep up with it all when you’re a small team. So I try to double down and focus on the most important things - my core content and the pieces that support it! 

How I make sure my content fits together

Planning out consistent, weekly content is important, but don’t forget to factor in any upcoming sales or promotions. 

Make sure you include any funnels or social posts that fall into that promotion period. You don’t want to over-stack your days with content. It’s important to keep the focus on what you’re promoting during that promotion!

But also, see how you can weave those promotions into your regularly scheduled content. 

For example, in your weekly YouTube videos, how can you turn that video into a topic related to your offer? How can you weave pitching it somewhere in the video?

If you’ve got a promotion period, make sure the content within it is pointing to your offer!

Need help getting started? Grab my FREE Asana template! 

If you want to take all your newfound knowledge and put it to WORK in Asana, be sure to grab my FREE template here! You’ll learn how to set up a simple, color-coded (yes, it can be both!), content plan. 

Inside, you’ll get: 

  • A complete walk-through on how to use the marketing calendar template in your business

  • A full breakdown of how to repurpose YouTube content for other social platforms

  • Templates to build out your marketing calendar in your preferred project management software

It’s the works! But here’s the thing…this template is only free for a limited time. If you want to stay on track with your content, grab it here!


From my DMs: “Why is No One Watching My YouTube Videos?”


Stop Using AI for Your YouTube Content Ideas