Stop Using AI for Your YouTube Content Ideas

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AI is everywhere. If you had asked me two years ago if a ton of people would be relying on it to help them with their marketing…I wouldn’t say I would have been surprised, but it definitely seems like it happened overnight, right?

It’s kind of cool, but…it’s not good for everything. When it comes to YouTube strategy, I say avoid it altogether. 

Now, it’s not because I’m an AI hater. It’s just because I don’t think AI has developed enough (yet) to help you explore topics that will catch your audience’s attention and really resonate with them. 

So…let’s talk about why! (P.S. in this video, I show you some examples not listed here in the blog. If you want to see AI in action, make sure you watch below!)

AI problem #1: It’s too basic

AI runs on prompts, so I dug a little into how ChatGPT generates ideas. What I found was that the ideas it generates are good but not great. They’re surface-level and don’t dig deep enough to turn a viewer into a lead. 

It gives a lot of beginner content. And while someone can benefit from that, the majority of small businesses on YouTube are doing a whole lot more than showing how-to type of content. 

Why how-to content doesn’t work

Meet Expert Ester and Beginner Betty.

Beginner Betty isn’t ready to invest time and money into a solution yet. She just wants to know the basics. Which is cool, nothing wrong with that. 

But Expert Ester wants something more. She’s ready to invest her money in a solution that works and she’s ready to do it now. 

See where I’m going with this? You need to create content that matches where your audience is at. 

Even more, EVERYONE can create beginner content. So if you are trying to grow a channel, you want to carve your own path and create content that isn’t competitive but attracts your ready-to-buy audience…how-to content isn’t going to do it. 

AI problem #2: It doesn’t focus on the right problems

A lot of the topics ChatGPT generated were yes, too beginner, but also, not quite what my audience needed. For example, it prompted me to discuss SEO for YouTube

But that’s such a minimal part of YouTube, and it’s not really something my audience needs help with right now. 

Another one it gave me? “YouTube advertising essentials.” That’s not even a topic I talk about! (And yes, this is after I gave it a few months' worth of content to get to know my audience better.)

So maybe AI can help you spark up some ideas, but just be careful because it doesn’t always target the right problems for YOUR audience. 

AI problem #3: It doesn’t consider viewer behavior

The other thing this isn’t taking into consideration is the viewer's behavior. YouTube LOVES channels that get people to binge-watch. And the best way to do that is to build a series of videos that flow one into the other.

So if you want to get the best results on YouTube, you need to be able to build your strategy around content you know your ready-to-buy audience will binge.

But AI doesn’t know what you know about your audience. And it can’t understand human connection or what makes people tick. So, it’s kinda hard for it to actually give you something centered around that view behavior. 

Bottom line? Your humanness is needed to create the best content possible for your audience!

The one AI tool I recommend for YouTube

Now there is one AI-based tool I actually use quite often (and recommend to others). 

vidIQ actually brings YOUR channel stats into the mix. You can get help creating title ideas, thumbnail ideas, and general video direction — all based on YOUR data. 

And it works! I’ve used it several times (and so have my clients), and it’s helped me create strategic, consistent, and successful YouTube content. It’s seriously one of the best YouTube tools out there!

Interested in seeing what it’s all about? Check out VidIQ and learn more here!


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