How to Find Good YouTube Topics Your Audience Will Actually Watch

With millions of new videos being uploaded to YouTube on any given day, you want to make sure that when you publish yours, people will find it now and for years to come. 

True, standing out on Instagram and TikTok can be tricky, but on YouTube, it’s a whole different ball game. Here, it's all about providing the right content that your audience wants to see. 

But how do you know what to publish? And what do you do if your bank runs dry?

If you’re ready to know exactly what to focus on and how to find the best topics for your channel and your audience, read away!

First — what not to do

Focusing on finding the perfect keywords or tags won’t make your videos or channel any better. Even the perfect keywords don't make you go viral or even guarantee people will stumble across and watch your video. 

They are helpful, but they aren’t the be-all-end-all like they used to be. YouTube is getting smarter and smarter so it can very much tell what your video is about and who might be interested in that topic. Instead, focus on providing quality content. 

And now my process for reaching that fountain of everlasting ideas!

Dig around in your analytics

My analytics tab and I are well-acquainted. I like to stop by often so I can keep tabs on what’s currently doing well and what isn’t. 

What can it tell me about the future success of my content? How do I need to improve or how do I continue to ride that wave of success from the top-performing videos? 

Then, I let this guide my “scriptwriting process,” which is really just planning an outline of what I want to say (personally, I hate writing scripts because they’re limiting and frustrating when messed up. Outlining gives me so much more freedom and helps me talk naturally!). I want to make sure I’m creating content people want to see and that I’m delivering it in a way they will enjoy. 

Look at the YouTube research tab

Looking here will help you find any content gaps you may have in your channel. Looking at this data, you’ll be able to see if what you’re talking about aligns with what people want to see.

Remember, you need to be creating content for them, not for you. If they like it, they will click and watch, and YouTube will recommend your content to more people. But if you just pick these topics because you think they will perform well…then don’t take another step forward!

Instead, create from a place of wanting to provide the best possible content. If a friend were asking about your industry, how would you frame it for them? You certainly wouldn’t talk about something completely different after they asked you a question. 

So don’t do that with your audience (and P.S. — the more bingable your content is, the more YouTube will push it to others because more views mean more money in their pockets!). 

Validate everything

Validate your content — i.e., does it have a place in your business? 

When we’re validating content here at TLHQ, we’re looking at:

  1. Are there searches for this topic?

  2. Can I compete?

  3. Do I need to approach it differently?

  4. Can I do it better?

Are there searches for this topic?

You can use tools like TubeBuddy or VidIQ to see how many monthly searches a topic gets. However, the biggest mistake I see people make is to get too niche with their content, to the point where no one is even looking for it. 

Do your research and look for neighbor niches to see what similar channels are doing. Put yourself in the shoes of your ideal customer. If you were them, what would you be searching for? How would you phrase it and what would you be drawn to?

Can I compete AND do I need to approach it differently?

For the main topics of your channel, there will be plenty of competition out there. For me, I know there are already a ton of channels that show you how to use YouTube. BUT they don’t all approach it from a small business angle, or most of them are focused on influencer marketing. 

You have to be mindful of your business's own unique flair and work out the deeper purpose of your content strategy (like how to build connections with your audience) otherwise, you’re going to get lost in a sea of endless content. Because the truth is, people really just want someone that gets them. And take my word for it — there’s someone out there for everyone. 

TubeBuddy and VidIQ can show you competitors, and you can easily look at their content as a soundboard for what your audience wants to see (just be sure to make it your own).

Can I do it better?

We’ve all been there — we’ve seen someone similar to us and thought “Hmmm, I think I might be able to put a different spin on it and make it a little better.” 

Okay then, DO IT. What are you waiting for??

How can you put a spin on it that will resonate with your audience? What are you going to do to make it your own? Your goal isn’t to have a monopoly on all the audiences for your niche on YouTube, you just want to make it better for YOUR audience.

Want to learn how to keep those new ideas organized?

If you’re ready to save hours of your time, simplify your workflows, and end each day feeling accomplished, join me on Thursday, Oct 20th at 2 pm EDT for a FREE training! Me and Louise Henry, my good friend and Asana pro, will be showing you how to organize your business with Asana, so you can work less, earn more, and grow your business faster!

During this live training, you’ll learn:

  • The surprising mindset shift that will 10x your productivity

  • A simple 4 step system to hit your biggest goals

  • How to simplify your business workflow in Asana and never miss a step 

  • And MORE!

This is the first time we’re doing a live training together, so don’t miss your chance to learn from both of us! We’ll be doing a live Q&A after the training too so you can ask us any questions you have about making Asana work in your own biz. 

Sound cool? You can register for this FREE training here!


Why You Should Organize Your Content in Asana


A Special Peek Inside My YouTube Coaching Process