Embracing Change: 4 Practical Steps to Help You Overcome Fear in Business

Entrepreneurs and business owners are well-acquainted with fear. No matter what kind of business you run, I know you’ve had your fair share of run-ins with this emotion: Feeling afraid about an investment, scared you’re not doing enough, terrified it’ll all *poof* go away tomorrow. 

Fear is a constant companion for us — but we harness it and use it to drive us! Of course, as highly driven people, the one thing we’re most afraid of is failure.

Fear of failure is something that can freeze up even the most seasoned business owners out there. If you’re afraid to try something new and fail, or you have some perfectionist tendencies, this is probably the number one risk to your business growth (and honestly, your mental health).

But as cliche as it sounds…failure is part of the process. We can’t let it stop us from moving forward and building the best business we can.

I also struggle with the fear of failure, and feeling like I’m not doing enough. But 8+ years in business I’ve learned a lot about what the fear really is, and how to work around it and with it.I want to share some of the things that have helped me overcome fear in my business so you can keep moving forward.

Now, I want to preface this by saying that all of these tips are easier said than done. But if you at least try to apply it, I really think they can help you overcome fear in your business.

Step #1 to Overcoming Fear in Business: Stop comparing

Stop comparing what you have to what other people have. I learned this lesson late in my business and now that I’ve had a chance to look back, I really wish I would have learned it sooner. 

The truth is that people may show you rainbows and butterflies on social media, but off of Instagram, they’re struggling. Sometimes they even hate what they’ve built. You can’t trust everything you see online! 

I have found that having a fellow business owner (or a community of fellow business owners!) to talk to helps a lot. It’s refreshing to connect with people who truly understand how you feel, and it can really help you move past that comparisonitis.  

Step #2 to Overcoming Fear in Business: Analyze what isn’t working

Knowing the facts is one of THE MOST important things to consider when making any changes in your business. Nothing like arming yourself with the data because the numbers don’t lie. 

So take a look at your metrics. My clients often ask me why they aren’t making the sales they wanted or why sign-ups are low. When I break down the numbers, it’s telling!

Sometimes, those numbers are better than anticipated, and it’s a wake-up call that comparing is unnecessary. Other times, the data truly isn’t where they want it to be, and it gives them the push to change it. 

But they would never know if they didn’t see the numbers! The numbers can tell you (almost) everything you need to know. 

Step #3 to Overcoming Fear in Business: Make a plan

A lot of what we fear is the “unknown.” We don’t exactly know what can of worms we’re getting ourselves into if we make this decision or that. We can’t predict the future. 

But that’s exactly why you need an (actionable) game plan! If things go wrong, you’re prepared and can take the next best step. Arming yourself with tools to help you move forward is one of the best things you can do for yourself!

This is exactly why I plan in 90-day chunks. It gives me enough time to commit to testing an idea, and getting data after, to see if it’s actually working — without wasting any time if it doesn’t work!

Of course, with the wins, I celebrate. But if things don’t work, then I blast my favorite T-Swift album and get cracking on making things better. After all, the only way to move is to move forward, right?

Step #4 to Overcoming Fear in Business: Define “good enough” for yourself

I think it’s really important to note here that you need to define what’s enough in your business for yourself. Don’t let someone else do it for you. 

I’m speaking from experience: I’ve been taken in by the words “scale” and “seven-figure business.” I felt that if I didn’t have a plan to scale my business, I wasn’t scaling my business — or I wasn’t making 7 figures I was a total failure. 

It took me a long time to truly understand what I wanted as a business owner and to feel confident enough to live that out. 

I don’t need to chase that stupid number and stay in a near-constant state of stress because of it. I don’t need to “scale, scale, scale!” Sometimes contentment is okay. 

Remember: You create the standard of success for yourself

Ready for more straight-talking CEO advice? This way! 

Failure is inevitable, but it doesn’t have to be final. You’re a business owner, and you had the courage to start this thing in the first place. Don’t hide in bed with Ben & Jerry’s all day when you mess up. Make a game plan and move on. 

Need help creating that game plan? 

I’m going to host an audience favorite, my CEO Planning Workshop, on June 12th. If you want help reviewing everything you’ve got on your plate and getting really honest about what’s working, what’s not, and what you don’t want to do… this is the 4-hour workshop that’ll help you do it.

In the CEO Planning Day workshop, I’ll walk you through the best ways to analyze your business so you can confidently make decisions that move you forward, with minimal fear of failure. 

If you’re serious about pushing past fear and doubt and moving in a new direction…follow me here to sign up!


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