Is It Time to Pivot? 3 Signs It’s Time to Change Direction in Your Business

If you’ve been feeling a “slump” with your online business — especially with coaching and selling online courses — you aren’t alone!

I’ve talked to several small business owners, and they’ve all said the same thing. Business feels super tough right now and tactics they’ve been using for years (whether that’s with social media or lead gen) are no longer working. 

The landscape is just not what it used to be. And there are a lot of people who have been in this space for 8+ years (myself included) that are starting to make some pretty significant changes because of it. 

But what about you? How do you know whether this weird feeling is just an off day, or if it’s really time to change direction in your business?

That’s what I’m talking about here!

Signs it’s time to change direction in your business

We all have our off days. Not everything in your small business is ever going to be perfect and unfortunately, those days can often bleed into weeks, months, and before you know it, you’re in a weird season. That’s life!

But there are other times when you start noticing that the world around you is changing, and with it, your industry and your audience. And suddenly, things just don’t feel right anymore. 

More specifically, you’re feeling: 

  • Uninspired in general: You don’t feel hyped to work on your business (or even in it). You constantly procrastinate because there’s just no creative energy there to be the CEO. 

  • Uninspired with your content: Bonus points if this bleeds into your content, too. You feel like you never know what to say or that you’re sick and tired of saying the same thing over and over. Basically, you think your content might be burning you out.

  • Like you’re pushing a boulder up a hill: You’re freaking tired and are starting to hate what you’re tied to. 

I know these feelings can be kind of scary, but they don’t mean you need to burn everything to the ground. They just mean that change is in order, even a simple one!

And change can be a good thing!

Steps you can take to pivot

Did you find yourself nodding along to the above? Let’s see how you can figure out what needs to be fixed and how to implement a few next steps!

Business Pivot Step #1: Don’t make haste

Now when I say change, I don’t mean doing something drastic at the spur of the moment. That will just end up costing you MORE time and energy in the long run, and is really just putting a bandaid on the wound. 

You need to think about these changes a little bit more before you make any decisions in your small business!

Sit with the feeling, and don’t do anything rash (you’ll thank me later).

Business Pivot Step #2: Give it time

Back in 2023, I closed down my agency. I mulled it over for 15 months, if not more, before I finally made a decision. I knew I wanted to do it way before then, but I also knew pulling the plug as soon as I felt off wasn’t the answer.

It’s one thing to have a bad day, or a string of them, but that doesn’t mean it’s time to jump ship. However, if that’s the majority of your experience, then, yeah, I’d say something’s up!

But you won’t be able to know that unless you give it some time. So go eat some Ben & Jerry’s, watch your favorite reality TV series, and sleep on it.

Plus, when you have other people depending on that service or product you’re offering, it’s not really fair to end it without notice. You’re here to serve your clients and make things better for them, too. But closing shop overnight WILL DEFINITELY NOT help them do that. 

Business Pivot Step #3: Talk it out

Like any major life decision, it’s always good to talk about what you’re thinking with someone you trust. This outside opinion, someone who’s not so involved and close to the situation, will give more objective (and helpful!) advice.

And ideally, seek out someone else who’s in a similar position to you (meaning, also a business owner!). 

Yes, you can vent to your best friend or your spouse, but they won’t be able to offer the perspective of someone who knows, firsthand, what it’s like being an entrepreneur. Or be able to sympathize with how you feel right now. 

Business is freakin’ tough, and that’s why it’s so important to have a community, friends, or even a business coach to talk about it with!

Just ride the waves, people!

I know this business thing isn’t easy. And I know it’s especially not easy right now. But the truth is, it will get better. Maybe not in the way you are envisioning, but adjusting means you put yourself in a better position to weather whatever changes come your way. 

How do I know? Because it’s happened to me before too! When you’ve been in business for nearly a decade, you do see some cycles repeating. 

Like I said, business ownership isn’t perfect, but the tides eventually change. 

Want to check out more of what I mean — and what this journey of entrepreneurship has been like? 

Check out the Trena Little Business Eras Tour here! I give you a rundown of what each “era” of business was like for me and how things changed in my business because of it. 

(P.S. If you’re a fan of Taylor Swift, you’ll love this. If you’re not…you’ll at least love the business advice 😉)


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