10 Tips to Help You Use YouTube as a Business Owner

In 10 days, I grew my email list by 115 people. And they were all leads that came from YouTube. 

I posted two videos and they got 888 views in 10 days. That’s a 13% conversion rate from VIEWER to EMAIL SUBSCRIBER! 

On top of that, I added a tripwire after they got my lead magnet to a $97 workshop, and THAT converted at 10%. That was 12 people buying my workshop from those 115 people, generating Over $1,100 in just 10 DAYS!

I’m not saying all this just to humble brag…I’m telling you so that you, too, can realize what’s possible with YouTube. It’s the BEST platform to see results.

So in this post, I’m showing you 10 tips to help you start using YouTube to grow your biz if you’re a course creator or online business coach. 

If you’ve ever wondered what YouTube can do for you…keep on scrolling!

YouTube Tip #1: Understand your audience and what they’re struggling with

I know that sounds like a given, but it’s the first one because it’s really important. 

YouTube will get you in front of the right people if you create content for the right people. The better you can guide YouTube to know who your target audience is, the easier it will be to get in front of them. 

The YouTube algorithm is kind of like a “scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours” thing.

For example, a few of the videos that helped me reach the numbers I mentioned earlier were targeted specifically at business owners who struggle to stay consistent with their content plans. 

That’s pretty specific, I know!

Just remember this — if you’re trying to talk to everyone, you’re really talking to no one. 

YouTube Tip #2: Optimize your videos

Yes, you want to improve your video's visibility and attract more viewers. But it's not all about SEO. 

I use SEO to create my initial content plan, but it’s not the core focus. When you keyword stuff, you lose interest because it looks like you’re there just trying to get views. And it keeps you from being able to form a genuine, authentic connection with your target audience (for the reason above). 

Yes, make your title stand out, but make it stand out because it’s valuable — not the most catchy or keyword-dense. 

You also want to make sure your description boxes are optimized. This is prime real estate to add important links (like for a course or lead magnet) so viewers can access the content directly from YouTube without any hassle. 

And don’t forget the end screen slide! Make sure you have a small segment at the end of each video telling people what to watch next! It keeps your content bingable, which the algorithm loves. 

YouTube Tip #3: Spark engagement

Social media is social…so get social, people! 

But skip the typical “Like, comment, and subscribe” shenanigans and start REALLY engaging with people. Answer their questions in the comment section. Use prompts with questions for them to answer so they feel like you want to hear what they have to say.  

This keeps your viewers, coming back for more, subscribing, and becoming a loyal follower who will buy anything you create.

YouTube is not a platform you should be posting and ghosting. It’s one of the best platforms to build a community on, so don’t miss this opportunity!

YouTube Tip #4: Be consistent

Listen, I know you're overwhelmed and you have a lot on your plate as a business owner. You're not sure where you should focus your time, or what's really going to move the needle forward. 

But I'm telling you, if you focus on creating consistent content on YouTube, you will see the needle move! 

The secret? You've got to dedicate time to filming these videos and attempting to batch them as best you can! 

Consistency on YouTube will pay off, but if you aren't committed to YouTube and treat these tasks like any other appointment you put on your calendar, you won't see the power that YouTube can have on your business.

YouTube Tip #5: Don’t forget to check your analytics

How will you know something is working if you don’t look at the data to support it? 

I don't think a lot of people realize that YouTube gives you all the information you need to be successful! 

Right there in your YouTube analytics tab, you can see all the important numbers like click-through rate, watch time, etc. and see whether or not your videos are getting the traction you want. I recommend doing this at least once a month!

YouTube Tip #6: Don’t forget the thumbnails either

DON’T let your thumbnails become an afterthought. They’re SO important for grabbing your audience’s attention and getting them to click on your videos. A strong visual presence can make a big difference in attracting new viewers.

I always tell my clients that they have to come up with a title and a thumbnail before they commit to the video. That way, it stays on track and you can know for sure you’ve got a compelling idea to draw people in. 

YouTube Tip #7: Think about a monetization strategy 

YouTube has something really powerful that no other platform has — direct monetization opportunities.

But I don’t just mean YouTube AdSense (though that is one of them!). Companies and brands are willing to pay more for people creating YouTube videos when it comes to sponsorships and brand deals.

They know these videos will live longer than, let’s say, a Reel. So they are willing to pay because of the longevity of that presence. But also, the community is super engaged on YouTube, so it’s a HUGE plus for them. 

You could also think about tapping into affiliate marketing on YouTube. 

Things like an Amazon storefront where you share your recommended products and your business favorites. It’s a great way to make a little extra money with just a tiny bit of extra effort!

YouTube Tip #8: Don’t forgo quality 

Honestly, the way iPhones are these days, you probably can’t even tell if something was recorded on one or on a professional camera. You can capture really high-quality content with those things!

But camera quality isn’t the only important thing to check. 

Record in a quiet room with low echo or reverb so you don’t get background noise. Make sure your space is well-lit and people can see your face. You don’t need to have a fancy setup or equipment to record videos

Just make sure people can see and hear you!

YouTube Tip #9: Don’t forget to show off your personal brand

When you’re a course creator or business coach, you need to make connections with your audience. That’s what it’s all about, right? You’re providing a service for them, and they want to make sure you have their best interest in mind. 

So when I say personal brand, I don’t just mean your brand colors or icons. I mean your personality, too!

YouTube is one of the most powerful personal branding tools because you can include stories and examples in your videos, which makes the viewer feel more connected to you.

Once I started implementing this in my own business, engagement skyrocketed! Turns out, the personal, real-life stories I share as a business owner relate to my audience, too. 

And I want you to do the same. Because sharing personality can do so much more for connection than ANYTHING else in your business ever could. 

YouTube Tip #10: Don’t be afraid to try new things

Listen, the YouTube landscape is constantly changing. It’s SO important that you’re not getting wrapped up in nailing down the perfect YouTube strategy, but instead, rolling with the punches and making it work for YOUR business. 

I know the change can be frustrating, but ultimately, you’re there to serve your audience. And if you hold on too tightly to an outdated plan, it’s going to be tough to do that because your content gets left behind. 

Need more help with YouTube? 

If you’re ready to up your YouTube game and get serious about drawing consistent, quality, leads to your courses or coaching programs, join me inside the YouTube Coaching Experience!

This high-touch coaching program will help you learn how to make strategic decisions about your channel, while also getting support from my team and I while you implement them. Get weekly personalized channel audits, insight from group calls, and a framework course to help you bring it all together!

We’re currently closed for applications, but if this sounds like something you’d be interested in, be sure to sign up for the waitlist here!


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