Should You be Repurposing Your Content in 2024?

True or false — the more content you push out on more social media platforms, the faster you will grow your business.

Based on over 8 years of creating content for my business, I’m going to say FALSE! But…why? 

Well, that’s what I’m going to be digging into here!

I’m going to show you why repurposing your content IS a good thing, but how to do it strategically, so you’re not:

A. Burning yourself out

B. Just throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. 

You’re not just repurposing your content to get as much out there as possible. These days, you’ve gotta play SMART!

So let’s see how repurposing your content in 2024 can work!

*Real quick: I want to credit this video idea to Life With Mar! She shared about having a difficult time balancing promoting her blog and her YouTube channel and seeing all her content, it’s brilliant!

Repurposing content in 2024: What I’m no longer doing 

Repurposing content isn’t a new idea, and it’s not something totally brand new I’m doing in my business either. But I recently revamped my strategy when I noticed it wasn’t working. 

How I used to repurpose my content? I would blast it EVERYWHERE! I’m talking emails, blogs, Instagram TV(remember that?), TikTok, Facebook, Snapchat. And if that sounds exhausting, that’s because it was!

But this year, I had to stop and think about why I was doing that. It was because of what I heard floating around online: post every day, multiple times a day, on every platform. 

I found that the quality and value of my content just weren’t there by doing that. Even though I was taking my videos and transferring them to Instagram, email, etc., I wasn’t intentional about HOW I was doing it or focusing on adding value with it. 

And because of that, I wasn’t really reaching my target audience either. 

So that is NOT how I’m approaching things in 2024. Instead, I’m approaching repurposing content from a different angle. 

How I plan on repurposing content in 2024

I’m running a lean team…myself and two full-time employees. I’m the main content creator, so all the content starts with me.

Also at the end of 2023 I was feeling MAJOR burnout and decided I don’t need to be on all these freaking platforms to see the results I wanted. I came to the realization that in 2024, I want to focus on doing more with less. 

I’ve cut down on content, big time, apart from YouTube videos. Because I know that while I realistically can’t stop creating content if I want to keep growing my business, I know I can reduce the amount I create and still keep things going. 

My motto now is quality over quantity!

The repurposing system I use now

The good news is that what I’m doing now has yielded me MUCH better results (and with LESS burnout!). 

Here’s how I’m repurposing my content more effectively in 2024: 

  • 1 YouTube video gets turned into an email, an Instagram carousel, and a blog. 

  • If I have time, it will also get repurposed into a Reel

But here’s the thing — it’s not just about slapping part of the video on Instagram or in my email and calling it a day. In 2024, repurpose your content by all means, but do it in a way that fits that particular platform. 

That’s the real key to repurposing your content in 2024. 

Tools that make repurposing content easier

But I don’t do this without help. I have a great team, but we also use some pretty helpful tools and resources that make the process go faster!

For one, I’m a big fan of Canva templates for thumbnails and Instagram carousels. We also keep a library full of Broll content that we can pull from when needed. 

Then, we use Asana to keep all of the templates organized (and for a lot more too!). We also use it to keep track of things we’ve used, haven’t used, and haven’t repurposed. 

The main takeaway? Repurpose strategically!

If you get anything from this post, it’s that to repurpose your content successfully in 2024 means repurposing strategically. Know what you have time and energy for and make sure you’re reformatting to fit whatever platform you’re posting on!

But here’s the thing — none of this will work right if you’re not being strategic to begin with. It all starts with having a solid content calendar FIRST. 

If you want to see my process for doing that, I’m hosting a workshop to show you how to create a simplified YouTube strategy (which yes, includes a strategic content calendar!). 

This was designed for small business owners who want to increase their reach, grow their leads, and up their sales…MINUS the pressure of being everywhere at once.

If you’re ready to ditch the content grind, follow me here!


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