My 5-Figure Monthly Breakdown: How I Make $30k+ in 30 Days

I can’t believe I’m doing this, but…you’re getting a rare behind-the-scenes look at my business. Specifically, my books. 

As a small business coach, I get asked a lot about how to grow a six-figure business. In fact, this is one of the MOST common things I’m asked. And today, I want to give you a rundown of how it’s possible by showing you what I do in my own business. Specifically, my 5-figure monthly breakdown.

I’m going full transparency mode and sharing how I made every penny during May and what I spent it on, too. I’ll also show you some of the ways I’m thinking of changing things up for the rest of the year and some potential ways I’ll diversify my income!

It’s a full behind-the-scenes look! 

5-Figure Monthly Breakdown: My Income + Expenses

To help paint the picture, I’m going to break this down into categories for income and what I spend. 

With income, I definitely recommend not just focusing on one revenue stream. Having more than one gives you an added sense of security, and you don’t have to spend ALL your time creating products or providing services. It gives you a great sense of balance!

What I brought in during May 2024: 

  • Coaching Income: $35,351

  • Affiliate Income (includes YouTube AdSense): $711

  • Digital product sales: $3,693.53

  • Providing services to clients: $2,800 

  • Stripe and PayPal/refunds: $2,065.47


Now, let’s talk expenses. As a business owner, we got lots of them, but here’s what I spend:

  • Facebook Ads: $6,001

  • Paying contractors (a video editor and content writing agency): $2,529

  • Subscription fees: $613

  • Education: $3,241

  • Paying my accountant: $1,300

  • Meals and entertainment: $236

  • Office supplies: $655

  • Payroll: $13,932

  • Payroll processing: $123

  • Software: $954

  • Travel: $1,688

EXPENSES: $30,220

This all brings my net income to $9,080, which after all is said and done, isn’t too bad!

How I’m changing my 5-figure monthly breakdown for the rest of 2024

Setting yearly goals is great! But, I prefer to set goals for smaller stretches of time. That way, I  can stop and assess where I’m at currently and how I can improve during the rest of the year. 

I usually do this in 90-day/quarterly chunks, but since we are a little over halfway through the year now, this is a great time to take stock, too. Recently, I’ve taken a little bit of a deep-dive into my finances, and here’s how I want to change things moving forward!

Financial Goal #1: Increase my main revenue stream

For me, I know it’s easy to look at my main revenue stream (my coaching program) and stay laser-focused on it. But I want to keep it small and NOT scale it in a huge way. Realistically, I just don’t think I can take that on right now. 

However, my goal would be to make roughly $50K from coaching each month. I’ve been focusing heavily on growing this part of my business this year, and I’m happy about where it’s going — and I hope that trend continues!

Financial Goal #2: Increase affiliate income 

I also want to work on increasing my affiliate income — my goal is to hit about $5k each month.

I use a lot of software, and a lot of that software will compensate you for referring others to join. We’re all in business, so why NOT take advantage of that and recommend something helpful for my audience that also brings in some cash?

Financial Goal #3: Start offering digital products

I talk a lot about how digital product creators can drive traffic to their offers. I’ve dabbled in digital products before, and though it’s been a while, I think I’m ready to pick it back up again!

I’m actually trying something new this month — I’m launching a pop-up shop where you can purchase some of my digital products for the first time ever! I may write another post on why I decided to open the shop, but for now, I have tons of great resources for you here!

It’ll be open for just a few weeks (hence the name pop-up), but I’ll assess it when all’s said and done to see if it’s something I want to keep around.

How launching helped me hit my revenue goals

One of the biggest reasons I was able to make over $35K with coaching in May is because I had a live launch. We opened up the YouTube Coaching Experience for applications again and went full force with it!

Launching is A LOT of work, but it’s worth it. When done right, it can help you reach whatever your income goal is!

Curious to see the HOW behind that, too? In the video below, I share an entire launch debrief and what I did to make that money, and some of my lessons learned from a few mistakes!


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