The Process to Rank Your First YouTube Video in Search

You're going to want to brace yourself for this one because we're digging into a controversial topic. We're talking about the process to ranking your first youtube video in search and while we're at it, we're going to bust a common myth.

For so long, we've been told it's all about tags and keywords. If you want to be found, you have to put hours into your keywords to ensure you're using the best of the best. But in 2020, this tactic is not only outdated but can really hold you back. Let's dig into what's working.

Here's the thing. People can lie in their YouTube video meta data. So if I upload a video of me singing a Justin Bieber song, there's nothing stopping me from naming it "How to grow your YouTube channel fast" I can tag it accordingly and even make a thumbnail that says the same.

But that's not what the video is about!

So how does YouTube combat this? It's created a system that actually listens to your video so it knows what you're talking about without the tags. This is why tags are just not as important as they used to be!

But ranking on YouTube doesn't have to be hard! In fact, there are five things you can do to make sure your videos are seen.

Craft a Strong Title.

Instead of dedicating a ton of time to keyword research, spend that time on crafting a super engaging title. You want a strong title before you even determine what you're going to say so that you can ensure that you're talking about your title right away!

When people click into a video, it’s because they believe it's going to be about something they need/want. Which means that title engaged them.

Keep them around with a strong hook that relates to the title so that they know you're actually giving them what they want!

Create an Eye Catching Thumbnail.

Right along the same vein, your thumbnail needs to be engaging as well. Be sure to use enticing imagery and engaging text.

Here's a pro tip. You never want to use the title of the video in the thumbnail. This is redundant and not necessary.

Hone in on Valuable Content.

This part is something you need to always do. Create content that is of high value. Viewers want to have their needs met and you can do so by making sure your content is jam packed with value and well organized.


This goes right with your valuable content. You're going to want to ensure that your video is engaging. Now this can feel like a lot of work but what I recommend is coming up with a specific template that you can use every time.

Use a specific type of call out text or gifs or even overlays. This will keep the video engaging and won't take a lot of time.

End Screens.

The reason you want the video to be engaging is because you want the viewer to make it to the end of the video. This is where you'll direct the viewer to another video. And when they do, you've created that Netflix style binge! Make sure to think about what you want to recommend. It can feel easy to choose the "best for viewer" option but you want to take them on a journey so choose a natural next step video.

By doing all of this, you're going to see a jump in what I call your YouTube trifecta. This is your click through rate, audience retention and end screen click through. And by boosting those, you help your video rank when people are searching. Isn't that so much better than keywords??


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